Irish Angus News

Results of Irish Angus YDP Section –  Jim Dockery, YDP secretary

What an excellent display of young handlers in Carrick on Shannon last Saturday at our First National Calf Show.

All 5 YDP classes were well represented with just under 30 YDP members exhibiting in style

Sinead Conroy was the judge on the day, and she had an incredibly difficult task in selecting her placements such was the standard of exhibitors.

We were delighted to host a new exhibitor class for first time exhibitors in 2021, this was a great start to the day with 5 happy handlers all receiving prizes including money, rosettes, trophies, and goodie bags and Hoodies sponsored by Kiernan milling

Under 10 and Under 13 classes were very competitive also with two more experienced young handlers taking first places.

We also had a great mixture of boys and girls in all classes bar one

The top two classes saw fierce competition with a big focus on a pre-showring section in a separate area of the arena in Carrick for YDP handlers. They had to demonstrate good preparation, changing halters as well as dress code and good stockman ship all before they entered the ring. When scores were totted as they entered the last section of the judging just 2 votes separated the senior handler class and 3 votes in the under 16 class.

Both classes had 3 or more handlers’ neck and neck at the last minute on exactly the same score, so Judge Conroy had the mammoth task of selecting places by judging the smallest detail in order to get into the top line up for rosettes.

Well, done to all winners and indeed all YDP exhibitors, you did yourself and your family proud and you certainly did us as organisers proud by your excellent preparation and skills on the day

Great work YDP Members!!

The Results “”

Class 15 First time exhibitors

  1. Liam Farrell
  2. Arya Beirne
  3. Rachel Dockery
  4. Katie Flanagan
  5. Molly Galvin

6.         Andrew Woods

Class 16 Under 10

  1. William Woods
  2. Teagan Beirne
  3. Rachel Dockery
  4. Liam Farrell

Class 17   Under 13 (Junior)

  1.  Raymond Dockery (junior Champion)
  2. Evan Duffy, 

Class 18 under 16 (Intermediate)

  1. Lucy Murray (Intermediate Champion)
  2. Joshua Cronin
  3. Fiona Mulligan
  4. Ronan Dockery
  5. Jason Dockery
  6. Molly Galvin

Class 19 Under 18 (senior)

  1. Aaran Dockery (senior Champion)
  2. Kerstin Cronin
  3. Dylan Dockery
  4. Sinead Flanagan
  5. Adrian Dockery
  6. Pierce Kilkenny
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